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unboxing the Pokit after pickup from customs



  • Frédéric Wilmus

    A LED? But how? When? :-P
    Never seen it on mine


  • Ingo Stiegler

    Hello Frederic,
    when the Pokit is selected in the app, it connects, the LED flashes briefly, and the app then displays "connected".

    I would also find it better if the LED is constantly lit when the connection is established.

  • Pokit Support Team

    Hi Frederic,

    If you have a Black Pokit the LED won't shine through the plastics of course. The LED works best in the transparent, white and yellow Pokits.


    Hi, Ingo in response to your questions. If we would leave the LED ON all the time the battery will die in one or two days only.

    Note that if you go to devices setting you can always press the FIND button the LED will blink a couple times. You can also rename your device by clicking in the pencil button nex to to the device name.. See the image below.



    Hope this helps.


    Thanks to you all.


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