diode test
From a normal multimeter I am used to get the value of the forward voltage drop when testing a diode. However, Pokit only seems to switch between ",000" for infinity compliance and "1,000" in forward direction. The same "1,000" also shows when just shorting the probe leads.
Hello Uwe,
That's the same with my two Pokits.
I think that is still a bug (not a feature).
Hope this is also improved with an update.
Ingo0 -
Hi....I measured a red LED with my 87V and I got 1.830V.
I added another meter in series to measure the current and I read 0.98mA so I thought ok, the 87V establishes enough voltage to force 1mA in the diode and returns that value.Then I tested a second LED (white) and here what I got: 2.667V 0.85mA
so my previous hypothesis is wrong.Moreover I tried the same LEDs with another meter, now using the 87V as an ammeter.
Here the measurements:
red LED 1.805V 0.67mA
white LED 2.580V 0.31mAMake sure to consider the losses of components also. Many pcb assembly don't contain the good material and always cause a huge loss of signal.0
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