Measure the voltage drops after the removal of AC input
I received my new gear 2 weeks and tried the multimeter and oscilloscope modes successfully. I would like to use the logger function for measuring the voltage drop over time.
- Set the Pokit Pro to Logger mode.
- Select ACV, unit to 100 V/div, interval to 500 ms.
- Connect the Pokit Pro with the power input (254 Vrms) of the appliance under test.
- Start the logging
- Cut the input power.
- Stop the measurement after 3 seconds.
- As a result, I can get 6 data max for the voltage drops of the first 3 seconds.
Is it the correct way to do the measurement?
Hi Raymondli1, thanks for sharing this with us! It sounds like you're setting this up correctly. You should get 6 readings over 3 seconds when set to 500ms intervals.
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