Pokit Forum Community Guidelines
Pinned FeaturedWelcome to the Pokit Forum! This is the best place to connect with fellow Pokiteers and the Pokit Innovations Team.
A space for all things Pokit
We’ve built this forum as a space for the Pokit community to ask Pokit-related questions, communicate with like-minded people, and discover new ways of using your Pokit devices. Although the Pokit Team will be moderating the forum and answering questions where we can, we encourage you to answer each other's questions and share your expertise!
To get in contact with the Pokit Team directly with regards to your Pokit device or online orders, please contact us via our support email: support@pokitmeter.com.
Pokit Forum Rules
Be respectful of others
Treat other forum members with respect and communicate in a friendly manner. We expect this community to be a welcoming place for people of diverse backgrounds, nationalities, identities, and beliefs. Any comments that are of threatening, lewd, hateful, derogatory or discriminatory nature will be deleted and the users responsible for such behaviour may be banned from the forum.
It is okay to disagree with one another, but please share different perspectives in a respectful and openminded manner.
Posting Etiquette
- Keep the Pokit Forum tidy
- Please use search first before you post. Someone may have already asked or answered your question elsewhere on the forum.
- Don’t re-post the same post in multiple topics.
- Don’t comment replies such as “This!!!” or “100%!” – instead upvote the post
- No posting in ALL CAPITALS as it is considered bad form and the equivalent of 'shouting'
Keep posts and comments relevant
Keep posts relevant to the topic. Moderators may move posts if they are deemed to be in the wrong topic. Also make sure to keep comments on posts relevant to the specific post.
No spam, advertising or self-promotion
The Pokit Forum is run by Pokit Innovations, so we retain the right to remove posts that advertise other forums or unrelated goods and services.
Don’t break the law
- Do not post anything that could violate local, state, national or international laws.
- Do not post any content that belongs to someone else without their permission.
- Do not post any descriptions, links, or methods that relate to stealing someone’s intellectual property, or that relate to breaking any other law.
Make issues known
If you come across a post or comment that violates the community guidelines, please tag @Pokit Support Team in the comment thread or send us a link to the post at support@pokitmeter.com along with a copy of the text or screenshot.
Please don’t engage with or comment on a post that violates our community guidelines (unless it is tagging @Pokit Support Team). We want to ensure that these posts are not further validated or encouraged.
To maintain the quality of our community, moderators reserve the right to remove any content that violates our community guidelines.
Stay friendly
While we do have these rules in place, we want the Pokit Forum to be a place where Pokit lovers are able to have fun!
Feel free to experiment, ask questions, share ideas, and encourage one another so that we can keep this a vibrant community that is enjoyable for all!
Posts are not previewed or approved by moderators prior to posting. Pokit Innovations does not take responsibility for any content posted by the community.
Pokit Innovations may update these community guidelines occasionally.
The Pokit Forum is subject to Pokit Innovations’ terms and conditions and privacy policy:
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