Washing machine test: fail
After receiving my PokitMeter, that I was eagerly awaiting for 11 months, I performed the standard tests, and was very happy with the pokit’s performance. So I attached it to my key ring and thought; it’s great to be able to carry a meter in your pocket everywhere. The next morning as I was trying to find my car keys, the sudden dread set in as I heard the washing machine already running, quickly stopping the washing machine and waitting the 2 minutes for the front loader door to open, I retrieved my car key and pokit, removed the battery and sat it in front of the dehumidifier for the day, unfortunately all the calibrations are out, and it won’t beep on the continuity setting, 132kohm on ohms and reads 1.32 volts when not connected to anything on dc mode, I suspect it is suffering from water damage / electrolysis. Next step: total strip down......?
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