Pokitmeter App Release V1.1.0 Notification
New releases of both the iOS and Android pokitMeter apps are being rolled out through mid-August 2019. The updates include the following improvements:
- Support for temperature logging
- Improved data logger interface
- Battery status icon
- Higher-pitch continuity beep
- Many bug fixes and performance improvements
For a complete list of changes for each platform, see below:
iOS v1.1.0
- Add support for temperature logging
- Display max logger duration based on current log settings
- Display warning when logger buffer is full/close to full
- Logger displays retrieve button when in full screen, instead of stop button
- Communicate how to move trigger
- Higher pitch continuity beep
- Chart series lines made clearer
- DSO mode selection should be consistent with Logger
- Add battery level icon to devices screen
Bug fixes:
- Current Range 1 (10mA - 30mA) is Never Used
- Devices table does not use full screen height
- Timebase changes when shifting to FFT
- FFT ranges are doubled
- Page control on onboarding overlaps warning on device select screen
- X-Axis labels in FFT chart become unreadable at high frequencies
- Maximum zoom is not set in FFT Chart
- When cursors are cleared in DSO, info at bottom should show add cursor tip again
- Logger tip sometimes doesn't disappear
- Picker views have an extra dividing line above top row
Android v1.1.0
- Add support for temperature logging
- Display max logger duration based on current log settings
- Display warning when logger buffer is full/close to full
- Logger displays retrieve button when in full screen, instead of stop button
- Communicate how to move trigger
- Higher pitch continuity beep
- Continuity beep moved to music stream
- Chart series lines made clearer
- DSO mode selection should be consistent with Logger
- Add battery level icon to devices screen
Bug fixes:
- Incorrect logger time stamps
- Menu and history buttons appear as black squares on some devices
- App can crash on devices screen
- App sometimes fails to automatically reconnect
- Re-request location permission if revoked
- Close history menu hit-box is too small
- Cursor lines are solid instead of dashed
- Cursors are incorrectly styled
- Taps on device select screen don't always register
- Interval button shows seconds instead of larger units
- Multimeter mode doesn't highlight on Samsung S8
- App does not prompt when changing devices
- Picker views jump out of vertical alignment
- Typo in firmware update message
- Refresh logger mode message is incorrect
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